Sloppy Kisses

More than likely you know the song “How He loves,” and you know the line, “and heaven meets Earth like a sloppy wet kiss,” or if you’re like I was you would defend unforeseen kiss to the death. Any time the song came on the radio I’d sing unforeseen over sloppy wet kiss. I’m telling you my hatred for the words, sloppy wet kiss was almost as bad as my hatred for the word moist. It was absolutely revolting…

However, lately I have a new understanding and appreciation for sloppy wet kisses.

Zion is at a really fun stage. He is changing daily. He learns new things by the hour and it’s amazing to watch. Everything he accomplishes is getting videoed and celebrated. We are definitely those first time parents. One of the new things he does is giant open-mouthed sloppy wet kisses. If he is not your child or somehow related to you then you are thinking gross. It’s okay, I understand, but as his mom they are one of the best things in the world. The way his face lights up when he delivers one of those kisses can make your whole day better. You wipe the slobber off and beg for more. I plead with him to grab my face and deliver his sloppy kisses. I probably ask for kisses thirty times a day. Zion has forever changed my mind.

The definition of unforeseen only solidified my choice. Unforeseen is unexpected and often unwanted. Sloppy, however, can be romantic in a foolish or exaggerated way. The definition of sloppy makes me smile. Think back to the lyrics of “How He Loves.” Seriously just think about it.

We are his portion
And he is our prize
Drawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes
If grace is an ocean we’re all sinking
So heaven meats earth like a sloppy wet kiss
And my heart burns violently inside of my chest
I don’t have time to maintain these regrets
When I think about the way
He loves us                                                                                                    -John Mark McMillan

McMillan was onto something amazing when he wrote that song. He understood that God’s love is not careful or unexpected, and it definitely isn’t unwanted. His love is big. His love is exuberant. His love is a sloppy wet kiss. It doesn’t care where you have been or what you have done. All that matters is that you are His beloved. No matter the distance, walls, or even sin he meets you with a sloppy wet kiss. He runs to you with open arms, whether you have been gone hours, days, weeks, months, or years. He does not care!

The best part of it all is that you do not have to beg God like I have to beg Zion for affection. He doesn’t refuse you because you have messed up one too many times. He embraces you willingly and quickly. It really is a beautiful relationship we get to have. We are privileged. It’s a relationship that says trust me, throw your head back laughing and cares to the wind. Sing it loud and proud, “and heaven meets Earth like a sloppy wet kiss!”

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