How Do I Hold On?

“Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24) After posting, “She’s MIA” a few weeks ago I began the process of ‘deconstructing.’ If you follow mainstream media at all you will read that sentence and need to fight the urge to be sad for me, angry,…

She is Human Too

Imagine something with me for a minute… You are a twelve to fourteen year old girl, a virgin, pure, and following all the rules. You already know who you’re going to marry and as of right now you have no fear. You’re young. Your whole life is ahead of you. Then what seems like out…

Don’t Believe in Something

With everything that is flooding social media right now I sat down at my computer with extreme writer’s block. I’m flabbergasted, blindsided, and just confused in general, but really I shouldn’t be surprised. I’m not political and I hate controversy. I would rather shove glass into my eyeballs than state what I believe on the…

I Saw You Stare

I saw you stare. I saw your disgust. I saw you. I might as well have been able to read your mind. You didn’t see me. You didn’t see my fear. You didn’t see my heart break. I wanted to say something. Anything. Just one sentence that would make you understand. I want you to…